The ethics of reciprocity
the performativity of friendship

The ethics of reciprocity
the performativity of friendship
FREEMITHU, a digital dance since ’07, disrupts art’s give-and-take scene,
Trading art for love letters, a paradigm unseen.
Gifts, laden with meaning, dance ‘neath obligation’s scheme,
As value’s whispered secret in the untactile, unseen.
In this dance with friendship’s politics, we tread on shifting ground,
For can a gift, a promise, ever truly be unbound?
Debt, unspoken but ever there, in every gift, is found,
As we navigate the labyrinth where givers and receivers abound.
In this realm where art meets commerce, questions softly gleam,
How does the shared object’s worth escape the market’s dream?
As FREEMITHU unfolds, in its vibrant, playful stream,
Layers of human bonds and hopes in art’s embrace convene.